Developing the first regulator-approved Privacy Certification for  Advertising


Increasing certainty about privacy compliance in digital advertising

The Certification for Privacy Compliance in Advertising (CPCA) is the first GDPR certification for advertising technologies backed by regulators and embedding legal standards. CPCA will make it easier for all market participants to understand, and demonstrate compliance with, data protection requirements. The Certification is currently under development and we expect to launch it in the UK in 2025.

A standard approved by the UK ICO

Working with the ICO and the industry

The Coalition for Privacy Compliance in Advertising is a non-profit organisation established to manage the UK GDPR certification scheme. It is being set up as a joint industry committee with various industry associations and consumer groups sitting on its Board. We will announce the participating associations in the coming months. The Coalition is working with the UK's Information Commissioner's Office, the DPO Center and the Audit Bureau of Circulation to finalise the development of the certification scheme criteria and the related methodology for auditing the in-scope products and technologies.

Proving GDPR compliance is difficult

As a technology provider processing personal data, it isn't easy to show your prospects and partners that your products comply with privacy regulations.

Obtaining the certification will allow you to be one step ahead of the competition, making it easier for your publishers and advertiser clients to trust and use your products.

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Reduces reliance on ad hoc questionnaires

Living in the grey area of compliance is a double-edge sword

Demonstrating compliance with data protection regulations reduces ongoing risks for your business. The CPCA certification will help align your business practices with data protection requirements and protect against growing enforcement actions.

Moreover, obtaining the certification can offer you better protection against adverse technical measures implemented by browsers and operating systems to protect privacy.

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Protects your business

CPCA will seek to harmonise privacy rules across jurisdictions

By clarifying how data protection rules must be implemented in digital advertising, the CPCA certification provides certainty and stability to the UK and European markets. But digital advertising is a global business and our goal is to help companies navigate the complex requirements of national and state laws.  

Greater clarity on compliance requirements will simplify your legal roadmap across jurisdictions, guide product decisions and lay strong foundations for future growth. We take on some legal work for you, so you can concentrate on building amazing products.  

Benefits of compliance
Expanding globally

Global Ambitions

While the first Privacy Certification scheme will be based on the ICO Guidance and apply to companies doing business in the UK, the CPCA is committed to providing harmonised guidance across different jurisdictions.

We are already working to obtain a GDPR certification approved by the European Data Protection Board. We expect the UK and EU certifications to be similar, making it easy and cost-effective for companies to get a pan-European badge of compliance.

We are also looking at other countries where regulator-backed privacy certification schemes exist and we will lobby on behalf of the industry to promote cross-jurisdictional harmonisation of privacy norms.


Press Inquiries

We will publish new information on this page as soon as it becomes available. For press inquiries, please contact us via email and we will reply as soon as possible.

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